Buy Gold with Hatton Metals?

The gold market is once again in the spotlight as the price rebounds upwards touching £1400 per ounce again for the first time since 20th November.

Investors are looking at a new week high today as gold continues to rally after slight depression. Confidence in the wider market, linked to the Coronavirus vaccine announcement, lead to a brief halt in the insatiable rise of the precious metal market. However, that pause seems to have been a temporary as gold marches on again.

Investment demand remains a pillar of the gold market strength and the demand for physical remains extremely high with investors seeking the strength and reliability of precious metals.

Analysts expect that governments and central banks will continue to deal with large scale debt by printing money leading to inflation, which has typically led to gains in the gold market, and a push back to $1900 per ounce for gold on the back of this.

With the prospect of continued strengthening of the gold price, meet your physical gold demand here at Hatton garden Metals.

Buy Gold