The price of Gold remains high and strong as we move into the second half of 2021.

As the UK prepares to open up on the 21st June there are still some doubts as to whether new variants of Covid-19 will hold up our steady march toward restriction free living here in the UK.

Volatility in the market and economic uncertainty that have typified the last 18 months of our lives are the best friends of the gold price, with safe haven investors and huge demand keeping the precious metal at relative all-time high, with investors diving into gold when other investments are less stable.

Demand for gold has maintained extremely strong throughout the twists and turns, trials and tribulations of the Covid-19 pandemic, and has kept the Gold Price at near all-time highs. Stock shortages have been experienced across the board and have kept us busy working hard at Hatton Garden Metals to keep a steady supply of coins and bars available for our customers.

Some nations appear to be winning the battle, whilst other nations continue to struggle, the polarised difference between those who have and those who have not has never been greater. The proposed global vaccination completion program by 2022 goes some way to level the disparity, but the global economy still has major issues and economic uncertainty persists, keeping gold prices high.

With the end (hopefully) in sight of this global pandemic the price of gold has stayed fast as investors continue to rely on the stability and value of this global commodity. Now as throughout time, Gold continues to play a vital role in investor portfolios and its popularity as a profitable and reliable investment remains.

Here at Hatton Garden Metals we pride ourselves on low premiums and access to stock, we work hard to provide our customers with unparalleled access to Gold at low prices as well as our 1st rate customer service.

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With the buoyant price of gold there has also never been a better time to release profits from your gold investments. Hatton Garden Metals offer the highest prices for your gold when you come to sell your gold.

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